Dhaka being the capital and centre of all major activities of the country, Bangladesh has two sea ports, one at Chittagong and the other is Mongla.
Bangladesh has a good number of large, medium and small sized industries in both public and private sectors based on both indigenous and imported raw material. Among them are Jute, Cotton, Textile, Fertilizer, Engineering, Shipbuilding, Steel, Oil-refinery, Paper, Newsprint, sugar, Chemicals, Cement and leather. Raw Jute and Jute industry has traditionally played an important role in the national economy. In recent years, Ready Made Garments Industry has replaced Jute industry as the principal export earner for the country. Considerable progress has been attained in the past few years in industries such as Leather, Ceramic, Shrimp, Fish, Pharmaceuticals and frozen food.
Bangladesh with its poor communications infrastructure both riverine and road are faced with a huge task to support the various development projects. Proper equipments are scarce and logistics are inadequate. The government has taken various steps to develop the infrastructure of the country. As such in near future the development projects will gain speed. Bangladesh emergence as the new mini power of South East Asia shall by highly accelerated.
AVANT Logistics Ltd. has been working to supplement the transportation and logistical requirements of Bangladesh for quite some time now and hope to contribute more in this field in the coming Years.